Monday, August 23, 2010

Before and After

I have almost reached my weight loss goals.  Wanted to show some before and after pics.

This picture was taken at the end of February.  I had been trying to lose some weight since the last of December.  It wasn't going very well.

Ugh, I hate looking at this picture.

IMG_3932 copy

Well, early June, I started on My Fitness Pal.  The results speak for themselves.  It's all been about my eating cause I've not been able to run.  Here I am this morning before work...


A male coworker asked me where my butt went today!  And my husband said I was "super model pretty".  Doesn't that make a girl feel good!

I know I feel a lot better about my image. This is the body that matches the picture in my head.  Now I just need to tone it up and get back to running!

Keep up the hard work!


  1. Yahoo -- congrats.... I need to check out that My Fitness Pal.... I am maintaining which was my goal but I know I can do better..... Congrats Congrats - you look great!

  2. You look great!!! It's the greatest when the Hubby tells you that ;)

  3. Whoo hooo! You are rocking the runwayjustbeforetheturnpose! Good job!

  4. I have to say that I am speechless! You look great!

  5. You look GREAT! You should be super proud of all your hard work.

  6. If you dont mind me asking (because its hard to tell from pictures) how much weight and sizes have you lost. You dont have to share how much you actually weigh, just how many lbs. you've lost.

    You look fantastic!
